The protagonist is a middle-aged man having mental health issues. He is aware about his condition and he wants to find out the best medication to feel better. He has a great social life, many friends surround him and he is autonomous in his daily routine. Some days are harder for him because he doesn’t feel like to get out of the bed and he spends most of the time lying on it. He also recognizes how much help his mother gives to him; therefore, he wants to pay her back by starting an “intervention plan”. One day he goes to a day care center with his mother. While the protagonist is talking to the professional regarding the “intervention plan” to be put into practice, his mother continuously insults him by saying things such as “You do nothing” or “You spend all day smoking” or “I have to do everything for you”. Consequently, his lack of autonomy may have been provoked by the controlling attitudes of the mother itself. Therefore, the protagonist believes in what she says and he feels inferior, impotent and incapable of being very independent, especially when he is home, even if he handles his life properly. His mother attitude will not help him during the recovery, and the professional is aware about it. The man is determined to improve his life; however, it will not work if his mother keep telling him that he cannot do anything without her help.
Theoretical background
Aggression type
Relational aggression – emotional violence.
Emotions: guilt, shame
Coping/Stressors related to mental illness/victimization and self-stigma
Coping/Functional coping strategies
Questions and answers
1st Question
At what point in the scenario do you find that the protagonist was a victim of violence? To what kind of violence does the scenario refer?
1st Answer
The protagonist is a victim of verbal and mental violence when his mother starts to insult him, in front of the professional, by telling that he doesn’t do anything during the day and that she is the only one that does.
2nd Question
Do you think that the thoughts, the actions, the feelings and the attitudes adopted by the protagonist of the scenario helped him/her to cope with this situation? Are there any alternative ideas?
2nd Answer
The protagonist justified the attitude of his mother because he thinks she is right since he is totally aware that the depression forces him to stay in bed. However, he should change his mind and start to believe he can do. He is autonomous during his daily routine; moreover, he is the one who decided to start the action plan. All this shows his independence in making decisions and in taking actions
3rd Question
What other interventions and actions could further help the protagonist to deal with this incident and with any potential similar incidents in the future?
3rd Answer The professional should propose a path to recovery together with his mother because the latter has to support his son and she has to understand he is capable of doing and that he wants change this situation to pay her back. She has to help him with nice words; on the contrary, the action plan would not have positive effects. They have to work together and she has to accept her son condition.