Autor: admin


The Exceptional ACTitude

By María Carracedo (Fundación INTRAS) In November 2019, ACTitude project started with a kick off meeting in Valladolid. In two days of intensive work we build a solid team work and bring into life our project. At that time we did not know (in fact nobody knew) that in few […]


Travelling, seeing and living.

By Emilio Seco (IMPROVA, Spain) Traveling, seeing and living. These are the three steps that are traced when you discover yourself in the eyes of another. A journey is not only a holiday at the beach, it is also the exercise of looking another person in the eye. The profound […]


Working in the Arts through Covid-19

Mary Moynihan, Artistic Director of Smashing Times International Centre for the Arts and Equality I work as director of the Smashing Times International Centre for the Arts and Equality, an award-winning international organization using the arts to promote equality and human rights for all. The company implements an annual arts […]



By Maria Carracedo Fundación INTRAS We have talked a lot in this blog about the emotional and psychological benefits of improv theatre to booster wellbeing and to deal with these times of uncertainty, but improv theatre has an additional cognitive effect that is not so known: it improv promotes divergent […]


Using Improv to Boost Confidence, Improve Mental Health

By Patti Verbanas Date September 11, 2017 A Rutgers public health student puts his acting skills into play to help people with mental illness and substance use disorders overcome anxiety and communicate more effectively When it comes to improving the quality of life for people with mental health and substance […]