Actitude as Acronym
Applied Theatre and Arts for people with mental disorders and for prevention of social rejection in form of verbal abuse and mockery to which they are being exposed in their day-to-day lives.
Credibility in scheduling, applying and reflecting on the multifunctional ways through which Improv Theatre enhances the quality of life of persons with severe and prolonged mental illness (PWMI) and «re-acts» on stigmatizing beliefs and non physical violence.
Targeting at mental illness, stigma and emotional violence.
Imrov Theatre is participatory, interactive, playful, based on natural actions that surge during performance making and focuses on the process rather than the product!
Toleration building after empowerment
Unique moments of team building, personal and social development for socially vulnerable groups
Dedicated to interdisciplinary methods, techniques and theories
Elaborated by a powerful combination of partners who contribute to interdisciplinarity and implementation of the program.
Actitude…. Before, during and after the Covid-19 Pandemic offers realistic ways of ameliorating the quality of life of persons with severe and prolonged mental illness. Applied theatre techniques permits both professionals and persons with PWMI to communicate and interact through Improvisation. Applied Theatre in vulnerable social groups can be seen as a creative methodology which give space for dialogue and releases social, mental and health problems. Applied Theatre is rooted on the dialectics and offers people moments and experiences of communicating through discovery and inquiry learning. As Peter Abbs cites in The Educational Imperative: A Defence of Socratic and Aesthetic Learning;
«The Socratic impulse to question and explore the nature of experience must remain at the heart of the educational enterprise, but questioning and exploring do not have to take place through concepts; they can also be developed to even greater effect, through the organized sounds of music, through the gestures of the body, through the metaphoric language of the poet, as well as through the tonal values and vibrant textures of paint. Rembrandt and Cezanne, Martha Graham and Isadora Duncan are as much philosophers as Socrates and Plato, only their symbolic means are different» (Abbs, 1994: 9, Falmer Press).
Improvisation has the power to embrace otherness and to help people express themselves, express their emotions via symbols, verbal and non verbal theatre and drama codes. Actitude’s Case Scenarios and Atlas of Emotions help participants to rethink, re-evaluate or reflect on themselves and to redefine happiness and joy though play and improvisation. Improvisation gives Professionals and Faciliators of persons with PWMI, multimodal ways of interacting, creating and responding to their emotions. Collective Character, “I and We”, puts both participants and professionals in “role”. Collective role or character, is an effective drama technique which can activate the whole team, as different attitudes can be given expression so that there is a dialogue between members who embrace the collective character. «Ι and We», can express our Atlas of emotions through play, physical theatre, movement, dance, music, improvisation etc.
Simultaneously, participation in Actitude during the Covid 19 Pandemic, reinforces participants’ digital skills and capabilities and offers new possibilities for “After The Covid 19” Communities; what is also left for the future and the dissemination of Actitude is the digital possibilities of reinforcing socially vurnerable groups within the use of Digital Techologies and Digital Improvisation. Can the Digital meet the «Vurnerable», when the Pandemic cuts physical contact? Follow…Actitude and you ll’ discover on line!